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Home Page

Welcome! Mindscape Therapies Ltd is the home of holistic hypnotherapy, EMDR and NLP in Bristol, UK, for people with a wide range of issues, goals and dreams.

I'm Kate Mortimer of Mindscape; a dedicated, well qualified and experienced practitioner, who also worked as a HCPC registered, clinical specialist, NHS professional for 22 years. I specialise in working with people with emotional and mental health issues, especially PTSD and C-PTSD, and also in supporting you to gain a healthy relationship with food and eating. I hope you find my website interesting and informative.

I offer both face to face and online sessions.  Please consider your own individual health, vulnerability and comfort when considering if you would like to see me face to face or online. I am happy to talk it through with you at any time.

I bring compassion, optimism and energy to my therapeutic work, which has been invaluable in supporting literally thousands of clients now to achieve their goals.  I work with you as an individual, and believe that you have innate resources you can draw on or develop to make life more fulfilling, even if circumstances have prevented this before now.

You may not be 'the problem', but you can be the solution!

Mindscape welcomes you, irrespective of gender, disability, class, LGBTQI identity, faith or ethnicity.

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