Here are some responses to frequently asked questions about therapy and Mindscape.

You may also find it helpful to look at my downloadable leaflets about Mindscape, specific issues, and the therapies I offer.

General Questions

I always offer a free, no obligation initial consultation for us to meet and discuss the issues which have prompted you to seek my support, and for you to ensure you’ll feel comfortable working with me.   I will explore with you how you are feeling, any factors in the past or present which may influence how you feel or act now, and how you would like your future to be.

I understand that sometimes it is hard to talk about personal issues; my job is to provide a respectful, safe environment where you feel able to do so, without being judged.

All notes are kept securely and I work to the highest standards of confidentiality.

I use a comfortable, calming, purpose designed therapy room, where you will be seated on a reclining chair.   If you are going into hypnosis, I may play soothing music, at the same BPM as a relaxed heart beat, which many people find conducive to relaxation.   I will gently guide you down into a relaxed hypnotic state, where you are always ultimately in control, or for EMDR, will guide you through the process of desensitisation at a pace you feel comfortable with.  I ensure you understand and are comfortable with whichever interventions we use.  I allow time at the beginning and end of a session to review your progress and how you are feeling.   I also allow plenty of time in between clients, in case of any unforeseen issues, and to enable me to record accurate notes and plan future sessions.

I work within the ethical standards of my professional organisations, such as the NCH, APHP, CNHC and BAOT.

Whatever you tell me in our sessions is confidential.  The only circumstances in which I would disclose anything you told me would be if I were legally obliged to do so, or if there were overwhelming concerns for your immediate safety, or that of another person.   In practice, this only happens if there are the gravest of concerns, for example, that someone is imminently suicidal, or there are child protection issues - the same as your GP has to consider. I receive ongoing supervision and support, and though I may discuss clinical issues in supervision, I do not disclose details which would personally identify you.

I keep any session or assessment notes securely, and you may see these on request.

Making any sort of change, or even just seeing a ‘therapist’, with all the implications that has, can be anxiety provoking; remember, I am experienced and skilled in supporting people confidentially, and you are taking a very important and empowering step by wanting a positive future, and seeking support to do so.   Please do book a free consultation, or phone me on 07810 510 170 for an informal discussion, and we can go over any concerns you have in more detail.

It is easier to demonstrate than explain the procedures used for EMDR and hypnotherapy – they are straightforward in practice, especially hypnotherapy, where all you need do is to relax as much as you can.  Time permitting, I may do a little relaxation/hypnosis with you during the initial consultation, to reassure you it is a pleasant experience, so you can look forward to your next session, without undue apprehension.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.   I assure you of your confidentiality, and that I will respect your needs and wishes and work with you ethically and with integrity.

Please bear in mind that my aim is to support you through change or difficult times, in a non judgemental and respectful way.   It is the fact that we don't initially know each other (and that I have no preconceptions and don’t judge you or your situation) that is often very helpful.   Many of my clients feel very alone, and often that they are deficient in some way for feeling as they do.

I genuinely believe that to honestly and openly express the impact of something on you, which does often involve a high level of expressed emotion, is the key to healing and progress, as well as being a very brave thing to do.

I have worked with people with a vast range of issues and health problems, and appreciate the impact of these can often be emotional or overwhelming.   You are not alone in this.

There are many techniques I use which do not involve you sharing your innermost thoughts, such as EMDR, when used in a specific way, but which are still highly effective.

Hypnotherapy and EMDR may be quite different from therapies you have tried previously, as they directly access the subconscious mind, and enable you to uncover, understand and process material very effectively, leaving the door open to positive change - we will actively work to make these changes a natural part of your life.   It is always worth trying out another therapist – we all have personal styles of working with clients, no matter how flexible we are, and you may find you can communicate better with a different therapist, explore issues in more depth, or simply gain a new slant on an old problem.   The range of techniques and therapies I use mean that I can be truly flexible and responsive to your needs.

I work with you as an individual, rather than focusing on clinical labels of your ‘problem’.

We as people change, and our circumstances change all the time, even if change seems slow, and it may be that you are now in a better place for things to be different – it sounds as if some part of you feels it could be useful to reconsider therapy and support at this stage.   Please feel free to give me a ring to discuss what you would like to gain from seeing me.

I carry out a comprehensive assessment with you of your needs when we first meet, and discuss this with you.

Hypnotherapy is something I use routinely for a lot of clients, as it is helpful for such a wide range of issues.

NLP and occupational therapy skills are something I will often incorporate as part of a session.

For clients who have experienced  trauma, EMDR is the treatment of choice.   EMDR is often also useful for clients where there are distressing life events or feelings contributing to issues such as eating disorders, substance misuse or depression.

Don’t worry, I will discuss all this with you in a bit more detail before you attend.   I would recommend you come for a free consultation, as then I will have a much fuller picture of what you want to achieve.  This is of course flexible, as your needs and priorities change.

If you have a current medical problem, then I ask you to take responsibility for letting your GP know you are seeing me.   As a health professional, I want to work collaboratively with my colleagues in other professions, though this doesn’t mean you or I have to disclose the details of what you have told me in sessions.

If there is any concern about whether hypnotherapy would be appropriate, I would be happy to liaise with your GP, or anyone else treating you, if you would like me to do so.   Even in a relaxed trance state, you may experience heightened emotion at times, so it is important I am aware of any physical or emotional factors which may cause you even temporary stress, if you have recently had serious health problems. Our sessions remain confidential, unless you give permission for me to disclose information.

If you have a current health issue, or a history of serious health issues, please do inform me.   If you have experienced a serious health problem, such as cardiac problems, or severe mental health issues, then it is particularly important you let me know.  It is very likely I will still be able to work with you, but I do need an accurate picture of your situation.

If, for example, you have recently had a heart attack or stroke, I would need to know whether your health had stabilised.  This is not because hypnotherapy or EMDR are dangerous, but to ensure you are getting the most appropriate care at what has already been a difficult time.

Hypnotherapy and EMDR, used appropriately, are very safe, and definitely not ruled out, but should be used with additional caution where you have a history of epilepsy, stroke, heart attack or severe breathing problems (including severe asthma).

Hypnotherapy by the ‘lay’ (non medically trained) therapist is not recommended for schizophrenia or other psychotic conditions (where the person finds it hard to distinguish between reality and their own thought processes), as it may make people dissociate further. However, a hypnotherapist with additional training and expertise in mental health, may well be able to work with a person with a history of psychosis or severe mental health issues, where their mental health is currently reasonably stable, as is the case with EMDR.   I’m happy to discuss your individual situation, or that of a family member/partner.

EMDR should not be used where a person is experiencing acute psychotic phenomena, though it can be very useful where a person has a history of psychotic episodes.   Again, it would depend on individual circumstances, and a person’s ability to tolerate the bringing up and reprocessing of distressing material.   I am qualified to use EMDR with people with complex trauma (for example, as the result of sustained abuse, often of a sexual nature or in childhood, or loss, abandonment and deprivation at an early age).  However, I do need to assess your situation to ensure you can tolerate the processing of traumatic events – people do sometimes feel worse before feeling better, but in the long run, it should substantially reduce your distress.   If necessary, we can do a lot of preparatory work on installing psychological resources and coping strategies first.

I am happy to discuss your health needs further – please don’t think that your health condition will necessarily rule out therapy, as the advice given here is to promote my safe practice and your care, and is purely precautionary in the majority of cases.

Hypnotherapy has been used effectively to reduce the symptoms of many health problems, as the physiological effect of deep relaxation on health is so powerful, although we cannot claim to ‘cure’ physical health problems.   Problems which can be tackled with hypnotherapy include chronic pain, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome and skin complaints.   Hypnotherapy can reduce pain and discomfort, and assist you to cope better with the problems you are experiencing.   You may also find it helpful to look at my downloadable leaflet on pain management.

If you saw the TV program on ‘Hypno Surgery’, you’ll know how effective hypnosis can be for pain relief!

EMDR is also useful for chronic pain and debilitating chronic health problems, as it enables you to process the negative thoughts and feelings associated with your pain or health problem, and replace them with more positive ones.

I advise you inform any other professionals involved in your care that you are seeing me; I am happy to talk to them if they have any questions or concerns.

Definitely - self help is invaluable, both in reinforcing the work we do in sessions, and in giving you a sense of control and achievement.   An easy way to reinforce your progress is through the use of the free hypnotherapy MP3s I provide to clients, which you can listen to either during a quiet moment in the day (or use to create one!) or in bed at night.  I recommend you listen to a MP3 at least once a day for a few weeks or months.  They are yours to keep, and can be used at any time in the future, if you'd like a boost, or simply to relax.

We may identify mutually agreed, achievable goals to complete in the week, for example, taking small, planned steps to reduce an anxiety or phobia, or to work towards goals such as changing your career.   We can also explore lifestyle or behavioural changes which may benefit you.

It is totally up to you whether you follow through any recommendations or tasks, however, habits and patterns of negative thinking or behaviour may need to be replaced by more positive ones a number of times to be reinforced and then done automatically – therefore the more you can do to work towards your goals, the more effective and rapid our work will be.

Absolutely, I am totally in favour of you having whatever other therapies may support your health and wellbeing.   Again, I would suggest you inform both parties that you are seeing another therapist, to promote your care, and protect professional boundaries and communication.

In some instances, for example, if you are having counselling or psychological therapies elsewhere, it might possibly be more appropriate to have one course of therapy at a time – if the issues are being covered with two different people, perhaps in very different ways, it could cause complications.   However, in practice, it can often work well to be having support from more than one source.  I’m happy to discuss this with you, or any other professionals involved in your care, if you would like me to, as it really does depend on the circumstances.  I am all for people accessing whatever therapies they feel could support them.

You deserve time and space to yourself, and the time I provide to you is yours. From my own experience, I believe that you have to care for yourself well enough in order to be able do your job or to care for others without getting burned out.

Hypnotherapy can help you relax, can help you cope better with the situation psychologically, and may help you look at things in a different way or generate unexpected solutions.   I will provide you with hypnotic MP3s to use at home, and suggest some relaxation techniques. Little things like this can help a lot, particularly if you have been stressed for some time, or feel overwhelmed by the situation.

I may not be able to change your situation, but I can help you cope better with it.

Occupational therapy techniques could well be useful, to enable you to look at if you can conserve your energy in any way, to pace yourself more, and ensure you keep up other roles which are valuable to you.   I have an excellent knowledge of local support services, and of health and social care legislation – I may be able to suggest some practical ways forward, which you may not have been made aware of.

It may help just to talk to someone outside the situation about your experiences and feelings, even if you have good support from family and friends – I am happy to offer you time to do so.

My belief is that it needs to be your decision, ultimately.   If it’s just that you are apprehensive about it, that’s fine, however, if you are doing it purely out of a sense of obligation to others, you may need to think about it more.   It doesn’t mean it won’t be helpful at all, however, it is important you are committed to giving your time and energy to our sessions and bringing about change.

Unless you want things to change, it will be difficult for change to occur.   It is important we work on your goals, not other peoples’.   Often there is some overlap, but the aims of therapy need to be compatible with what you would choose for yourself, and what, ultimately, will make your life better.

If things change for you, others around you may need to make changes in their life, too, to accommodate you and the new situation.   This can be a positive thing, but may sometimes be difficult for others, especially if they have developed their own role around it, such as being a carer.

I’d suggest you think about what you want; what would the benefits be to you of hypnotherapy/EMDR; what would you like to get out of it?   Where would you like to be in five weeks time?   In six months?   Two years?   How will you know when you’ve achieved your goals?   What will you look and feel like?

I am really happy to discuss these issues with you in more depth, so you can decide the best way forward.   If now is not the right time, that’s fine; I hope any discussion we have will benefit you in making whatever decision is right for you – you are welcome to contact me again at any time in the future.

If there is anything which you feel unsure or concerned about, then please do let me know.   Your feedback is very important to me.

I can’t promise to get it right 100% of the time, as misunderstandings or problems can occur in any situation, especially when personal or emotional factors are involved, but I can promise to listen and take your concerns seriously, and to work with you to try and resolve any problems.

My professional organisations have well defined complaints procedures, which I will happily give you further information about.   This is why it is so important to see a well qualified therapist, who is a member of an organisation with a proper complaints procedure and Code of Ethics.

Your health and well being are too important to place in the hands of someone who is not appropriately qualified and for whom there is no comeback!

It is very important, when seeing any therapist, that you feel comfortable with that person and their style of therapy, and that you do raise any concerns, for your own wellbeing and that of future clients.   You could be helping the therapist address something they had not realised was an issue, or to gain a greater understanding of your feelings and needs, so they work with you and others more effectively in future.

You’ll usually know when the time is right, and I’ll be happy to encourage you to take the plunge!   Sometimes if people are still developing their confidence, they may feel more secure having sessions for longer.   This is their choice, however, I will definitely encourage you to continue to build on your progress independently – because of my Codes of Ethics, I will always aim to finish a course of therapy as soon as possible, to minimise the financial, emotional and time commitment for clients.  I will also say if I think a further session would be helpful.

When we first meet, I’ll identify your goals with you and what you want to get out of therapy, and assess any level of distress or discomfort you are experiencing; we will review this regularly, so you can see how much progress you have made and how close you are to achieving your goals.   It can be hard to remember how far you have come, and this provides a baseline measure and identifies what you want in future, as well as evidence of progress.

Many people find it helpful to spread out sessions towards the end, and see how they get on in between.   There is always the option to come back to me at any time in the future if you feel I can be of further assistance.

My aim is for you to make progress in the minimum number of sessions, and for you to gain a sense of self achievement, rather than to be dependent on me.  It may mean I earn less money from our course of sessions, but I hope it will mean that you recommend me to others, as someone who helped you to empower yourself, change your life and achieve what you wanted.


Hypnosis is an individual experience, which is generally described as a pleasant, relaxed, day dreamy state.

We all go into a hypnotic state at least twice a day, when we wake up and go to sleep; at this point the conscious, critical mind switches off, the subconscious mind is more active and we may experience insights or remember things we had forgotten, or simply experience a relaxed state of mind.

People maintain a certain level of awareness during hypnosis, and it often doesn’t feel like an out of the ordinary experience, just a highly relaxed state, where positive suggestions can be assimilated and utilised.  You may find you drift in and out, or have limited recollection or awareness of what I say; however, the subconscious mind is active, and will pick up and filter what it needs.   For most interventions, only a light state of trance is necessary.

I personally believe anyone can experience the benefits of hypnosis, though many people believe they cannot be hypnotised!   It is, after all, a totally natural state; some people slip into it more easily than others, but anyone can do so.  People often think that anxiety will make it hard for them to be hypnotised; in fact, the opposite is often true, as it is a relief to be able to switch off.

It doesn’t mean you are gullible – people with above average intelligence are often more hypnotisable; however, hypnotherapy can also be used with people with a degree of learning difficulty.   Hypnosis is a skill which can be practised, like meditation; the more you practice, the more quickly and easily you will relax and go into hypnosis.

I provide MP3s/CDs for clients to listen to at home to reinforce sessions; listening to these will promote your progress, and get you more accomplished at going into trance, so we can make the best use of the time we have in our sessions.   All the hypnotherapists I know go into hypnosis very readily, due to the practice effect from being subjects during their training, and the fact that they often continue to use self hypnosis for relaxation and positive change – plus it feels great!

It’s said that all hypnosis is self hypnosis; the hypnotherapist is just a skilled conduit for inducing this natural state, and guiding you to make the positive changes you desire.

It is possible to resist hypnosis, however, the more you allow yourself to be guided into a hypnotic state of deep relaxation, the more enjoyable and effective the sessions will be, making the most of your time and money.

No - it depends on the interaction between therapist and client to keep the state going for any length of time.   I ensure you are fully alert after you come out of hypnosis.   If you feel a little spaced out after, I suggest you go for a brief walk, to make the most of your relaxed state – you will often be quite insightful during this time.   I recommend you build on your progress by treating yourself kindly that day, especially if it has been an emotional time, though you will be able to do everything you normally do.   You are in control at all times, however, it is rare for people to resist coming out of trance; when I give you suggestions to awaken, you will find that you do, no matter how much you’d like to remain in a pleasant trance state!

No, absolutely not, for three reasons; the first is that I, and any other professional and ethical therapist, would never use hypnosis to try and make someone do anything they didn’t want to do, to look foolish, or to confront something they were not ready for.   The second and most powerful reason is that your own mind would not allow you to do so; you simply reject any suggestions which are not right for or meaningful to you.   And thirdly, no matter how much they protest it was out of character, the people you see on TV and stage hypnotism shows, are not randomly selected, but are up there in the limelight because they want to be!

There are some medications, such as anti-depressants and benzodiazepines which sometimes mean it takes a little longer to go into hypnosis initially.   However, many people on these medications find that they have no problems doing so at all; if you suffer from anxiety, you are an excellent subject for hypnosis anyway.  In practice, I have not found it a problem at all.

It shouldn’t put you off having hypnotherapy, as hypnotherapy is extremely useful for depression and anxiety, especially when used by someone with a clinical background, who has a good knowledge of the impact of anxiety and depression on a person.   I have particular expertise in this area, and as a health professional, a good knowledge of medication and its side effects.

It’s really important you don’t discontinue or reduce your medication without discussing it with your doctor; stopping it suddenly can cause a lot of difficulties.

Many people stop smoking for shorter periods before stopping permanently – if you’ve stopped before, you can again.   Maybe now is the time!

It is natural to have concerns and a little ambivalence about stopping smoking – what if I can’t handle the cravings?   Will I put on weight?   However, hypnotherapy differs from nicotine replacement therapy as it tackles the psychological cravings and subconscious motivations to smoke – everything we do serves some purpose to the subconscious mind, even if it is not a healthy way of doing so.   I will give you positive hypnotic suggestions to deal with cravings and to substitute cigarettes with healthy behaviours, rather than eating sweets or other food to excess.   The majority of people find the cravings are manageable, and often non existent, with the help of hypnotherapy.

For smokers I generally recommend a one off session of up to 2 hours duration, including a free twenty minute consultation.  

You may wish to read my free leaflet on stopping smoking too.

As with anything, the more you are committed to it, the more you will succeed.  I won't stop you smoking if you want to smoke.  Though I can work with you on developing your motivation to stop smoking, if now is not the right time, please contact me whenever you feel ready.

Yes, hypnotherapy can be very helpful for weight reduction and management. Hypnotherapy tackles the subconscious factors involved in overeating, or eating less healthy things frequently, as well as improving motivation to lose weight.   There is evidence, too, that it can enhance metabolic rate.   I will also work with you on associated issues, like motivation to exercise, ways to gain emotional comfort or a sense of control which do not involve food, and building confidence and self esteem.

My weight management leaflet has more information about how hypnotherapy can help you.

Hypnotherapy can be very effective with young people, as their conscious mind is less developed and critical, and they are often very open to hypnotism.  I am a qualified and experienced practitioner with children and adolescents, from both my private and NHS work.  I have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service statement from my voluntary work, and from the NHS, and particularly enjoy working with young people.   There are additional ethical issues to consider around consent, confidentiality, and the young person’s wishes and comfort when I offer treatment.   I am very happy to discuss your child’s needs further, and to meet you both.

Child, Adolescent and Vulnerable Adult Policy

If you are a child, adolescent or vulnerable adult, please be aware that my policy is that you have the same rights over your confidentiality as if you were being seen in the NHS. If I believe you are competent (for under 16s; or have capacity if 16 years or older) in law to make a given decision, or for your confidentiality to be protected (for example around being sexually active, using alcohol or street drugs, or self injuring without suicidal intent) then I will always keep what you tell me confidential.

If a child, adolescent or vulnerable adult is at risk (or you let me know that they are) then ethically my threshold to breach confidentiality is lower than with adults. If I am concerned about abuse, exploitation or serious risk, then I may have to consider passing information on to the relevant authority, if my supervisor also is concerned about this. I would always aim to talk to my client about this and let them know that I felt this needed to happen, and the reasons why. This is the same as for a child or adolescent being treated in the NHS. Obviously, the younger or more vulnerable the child, the lower the threshold is for passing on concerns. To give an example, two consenting, Gillick competent fifteen year olds in a sexual relationship is not of concern in this sense, whereas a vulnerable fifteen year old in an exploitative, abusive relationship with a 23 year old would be of much greater concern.

Parents and carers, please be aware that I would pass on only serious risk related information to you, the child’s GP, or Children and Young People’s Services (Social Services) as appropriate. This may mean that information you would perhaps want to know (for example a 15 year old getting drunk or smoking cannabis at a party) I would not automatically disclose, as ethically I have a duty to keep information as confidential as possible. I will weigh up whether your child is competent, or has capacity, depending on age, and the nature of the information they give me, and would talk to them initially. Whilst this might not sit comfortably with some parents or carers, especially if you are already worried about the child, it is the same process which is used for healthcare treatment in the NHS, and I feel balances both safety and the need for a trusting, confidential therapeutic relationship to support your child and promote their welfare.

Some children and adolescents (especially younger ones) may feel more comfortable having a parent or carer in the session with them. It is never a problem if your child wants you to be present for part or all of our sessions. However, if they would prefer to speak to me privately, I am happy to do so.

Please ask me if you have any questions about this.

I use hypnotherapy for easy childbirth – both for pain relief, and to reduce anxiety relating to birth and parenthood. Hypno-Birthing® is a trademarked intervention which follows a tried and tested, but very specific formula.   I work with clients on an individual basis, including using very similar techniques to Hypno-Birthing®, but adapting them closely to your specific needs.   I will teach you self hypnosis techniques to use for pain and anxiety relief when you give birth.   Hypnotherapy is highly effective for pain relief, as you will know if you saw the TV program on ‘Hypno Surgery’ a while back!  My leaflet on pain relief and easier childbirth may be of interest to you.


EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing.   It is recommended by the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (the government body which reviews research into the effectiveness of treatments) as a treatment of choice for post traumatic stress disorder (and by the World Health Organisation for children and adolescents), and is quicker and more effective than cognitive behavioural therapy for post traumatic stress.

EMDR was developed by Dr Francine Shapiro, who observed that emotional distress was alleviated by rapid eye movements.   After further investigation, she concluded that rapid eye movements enable us to process information and feelings (just like when you’re dreaming). Rapid eye movements, or other forms of ‘bilateral stimulation’ (stimulating both hemispheres of the brain), such as alternate tapping of the hands are used in a specific way in EMDR to enable clients to effectively process distressing material, using both the rational and emotional sides of the brain.  Negative thoughts, feelings and perceptions about the self are gradually replaced with more positive and adaptive ones.   I will guide you through the process, which is easier to demonstrate than explain!

The beauty of EMDR is that it is primarily a non verbal therapy, so the client does not have to tell the therapist everything they have experienced, unless they want to – it is invaluable therefore, where the impact of an event overwhelms people to the point where they cannot verbalise it, or where they feel embarrassed or uncomfortable discussing the details of events.   It is thus also very useful with people whose first language differs to that of the therapist, and is often used with refugees who have experienced devastating events.

EMDR can be used with everything from one off traumas to sustained trauma and abuse.

It is also increasing used, with positive results, for other issues, from depression to eating disorders or substance misuse.

It is important that we build an effective therapeutic relationship before beginning EMDR.   I will work with you to install additional coping strategies and psychological resources, if this is necessary, beforehand. The client’s mind will also only generate what they are able to cope with at any one time.   When people have been traumatised, they are often living day to day with distressing and intrusive symptoms, which are highly distressing in themselves, and EMDR can get rid of them rapidly.

EMDR can not only eliminate negative core beliefs held about the self, but install more positive ones in their place.

Part of the process is to install positive coping resources and strategies for the future so if you encounter any reminders of the past trauma, you are better equipped to deal with this.

Practical Issues

I don’t guarantee my therapy or treatment interventions (and neither does your doctor, physiotherapist, or counsellor), as people’s responses, subjective perceptions of their achievements, and the outcomes they want vary so much.   After a lot of deliberation, I have decided not to guarantee stop smoking, as a few hypnotherapists do (often at considerable expense, and with associated ‘terms and conditions’), as I feel this provides a get out clause which is unhelpful!

This is hard to predict, particularly before I meet you, as everybody responds differently.   I will be able to give you a good indication as to the number of sessions needed at the end of your free initial consultation.  Please take the following as a guide only.

Stop smoking can be achieved in one session of two hours.  ‘Simple’ phobias, fears or habits may take just one session, but three to six sessions, sometimes more, might be necessary to treat some phobias, or panic attacks.  Confidence boosting or a general relaxation/stress bust can often take place in a session, assuming there are no more complicated underlying issues.   For more in depth or complex issues, such as depression, bereavement, or trauma, you are likely to need three to eight sessions, if not more – it depends where you want to get to, on factors like outside support and your own emotional resources, and how much you work on self hypnosis yourself by using CDs and the techniques I teach you.  Hypnotherapy is a brief therapy, rapidly effective, as is EMDR, and it is unusual for people to need to see me for more than a few sessions, unless the issues are especially complex or sustained.  This is particularly impressive as due to my healthcare background, many of my clients choose me because of the severity or complexity of their issues.

EMDR often resolves previously intractable issues rapidly.

However, additional sessions will often be needed – EMDR is used as part of therapy, not in isolation.   Where someone has experienced repeated, complex trauma, it is vital to properly assess and understand the trauma and associated issues, and proceed at a pace which enables you to manage your feelings safely, with my support.   People with sustained trauma may need a good number of sessions, however, I will always aim to make treatment as rapid as possible.

I recommend weekly sessions, at least in the main stage of treatment, to gain the greatest benefit and promote continuity.  However I understand this is sometimes difficult, financially or practically, and this can be negotiated.   If you can only afford a couple of sessions, or you may have to spread them out, please do let me know, so we can plan ahead to get the best out of sessions.

There are six outside steps to the building I work from, and a further flight of steps inside the building to access the therapy room I use.   I want to make my therapies accessible to all, and like all other businesses, I must now legally do so, something I fully support.   Therefore, where people are physically (or psychologically, for example, in the case of agoraphobia) unable to access the premises I use, alternative access arrangements may be negotiated.  Please contact me to discuss your needs.

Incidentally, my website has been designed to be as accessible and as easily navigable as possible.

The National Council of Hypnotherapists has changed its rules and I am now allowed to post testimonials on my website: you can find them here .  As you can appreciate, not everybody feels comfortable sharing their story, and I understand this. My policy is not to post any identifying details, such as names, initials, personal details or location. 

You can look on the NCH or APHP website to check if a therapist is a qualified member; hypnotherapists who are members of BSCH are also well qualified.   The letters MNCH or LAPHP denote the therapist has undergone a good standard of training, adheres to high ethical standards, and undertakes ongoing professional development and supervision.   EMDR Europe and HCPC can verify EMDR and occupational therapy qualifications.

If you have an in depth clinical issue, it is advisable to consult a hypnotherapist like myself, with additional training as a health professional, and in a range of therapies, such as EMDR.

I don’t wish to turn anyone in real need away on grounds of cost.   I keep my costs as low as possible anyway, to make the therapies accessible to more people, but I will consider your case individually.   I keep my fees in line with or slightly below the local going rate for hypnotherapists, which is excellent value, due to my professional health background and qualifications, and the range of interventions I offer. If you are free during the day, I offer a reduced rate anyway. I charge less than many practitioners of EMDR with similar training and experience, as I am particularly passionate about working with trauma, and again, would prefer to keep my costs affordable.

£60 per session is a small investment if it can change your life around, or get you where you want to be.

My fees are £70 per fifty minute evening or weekend session, or £65 during the day, except for stop smoking sessions which last for two hours, including a twenty minute consultation, and cost £130 (£120 during the day).  NHS employees receive a 5% discount on all fees, depending on who they work for.  Fees are payable at the end of each session, by cash, card or bank transfer.

I offer a free, no obligation consultation.

Free consultations also last fifty minutes, except for stopping smoking, where I offer a 20 minute free consultation at the start of a stop smoking session.

You are more than welcome to phone me to discuss your needs in more detail before booking a free consultation.

Where we have decided to use EMDR, I may sometimes recommend you book slightly longer sessions of one and a half hours (this is often possible if you prefer longer hypnotherapy sessions anyway).  However, I do recognise this is not possible for all clients, and will work within your time and financial constraints.

Prices may occasionally be negotiated for people on low incomes.

I ask for 48 hours’ notice of cancellation. If this is not possible, I reserve the right to charge up the full amount of the missed session, to allow for my time and preparation, and to keep costs down for all clients, who could otherwise have accessed the appointment slot:

If clients arrive early or late, unfortunately I am not able to extend the time of their session.

If a client cancels a free consultation with less than 48 hours notice, I do not automatically offer an additional free consultation.

There is on street parking readily available in the residents' bays outside the building. This is free to use after 5pm and £1 per hour during 9am to 5pm. The parking meter is situated 80m further up the hill.

Confidentiality Policy

Fortunately, in more than 11 years of practice, I have never had to breach confidentiality. Whatever clients tell me is as confidential as if you were using NHS services, in that I would only consider breaching confidentiality if I felt that you, or somebody else, was in immediate risk of serious harm. This is the same as when you visit your GP. This means that if you tell me you are self injuring without risk to your life, having suicidal thoughts (as opposed to imminent, serious plans) or if you are using street drugs, it will remain confidential.

I would only contact your GP, consultant or other party, outside of the above, with your consent for the purposes of information sharing, or to ensure in the case of a serious health condition it is appropriate to proceed with treatment. Many clients do actually want me to communicate with other healthcare providers, or their employer, and with consent, I can do so.

Please be aware that theoretically, email and text are not secure communications. You may of course choose to contact me by email or text and if so I will assume, unless you tell me otherwise, that it is okay to respond in the same way. I generally email you MP3s to support your treatment – again, let me know if you are concerned about this.

I do not do Skype or FaceTime sessions. The reason for this is that anybody who uses these, signs up for their data and conversations to be used in any way the companies choose, which is clearly not appropriate in a therapeutic setting.

Clinical notes and data are kept securely, in line with my professional obligations.

I receive regular, confidential case supervision, but no identifying details about you are discussed.

Please ask me if you have any questions about confidentiality.

Please also read my Child, Adolescent and Vulnerable Adult Policy, if relevant.

Child, Adolescent and Vulnerable Adult Policy

If you are a child, adolescent or vulnerable adult, please be aware that my policy is that you have the same rights over your confidentiality as if you were being seen in the NHS. If I believe you are competent (for under 16s; or have capacity if 16 years or older) in law to make a given decision, or for your confidentiality to be protected (for example around being sexually active, using alcohol or street drugs, or self injuring without suicidal intent) then I will always keep what you tell me confidential.

If a child, adolescent or vulnerable adult is at risk (or you let me know that they are) then ethically my threshold to breach confidentiality is lower than with adults. If I am concerned about abuse, exploitation or serious risk, then I may have to consider passing information on to the relevant authority, if my supervisor also is concerned about this. I would always aim to talk to my client about this and let them know that I felt this needed to happen, and the reasons why. This is the same as for a child or adolescent being treated in the NHS. Obviously, the younger or more vulnerable the child, the lower the threshold is for passing on concerns. To give an example, two consenting, Gillick competent fifteen year olds in a sexual relationship is not of great concern in this sense, whereas a vulnerable fifteen year old in an exploitative, abusive relationship with a 20 year old would be of much greater concern.

Parents and carers, please be aware that I would pass on only serious risk related information to you, the child’s GP, or Children and Young People’s Services (Social Services) as appropriate, without the child's consent. This may mean that information you would perhaps want to know (for example a 15 year old getting drunk or smoking cannabis at a party) I would not automatically disclose, as ethically I have a duty to keep information as confidential as possible. I will weigh up whether your child is competent, or has capacity, depending on age, and the nature of the information they give me, and would talk to them initially. Whilst this might not sit comfortably with some parents or carers, especially if you are already worried about the child, it is the same process which is used for healthcare treatment in the NHS, and I feel balances both safety and the need for a trusting, confidential therapeutic relationship to support your child and promote their welfare.

Some children and adolescents (especially younger ones) may feel more comfortable having a parent or carer in the session with them. It is never a problem if your child wants you to be present for part or all of our sessions. However, if they would prefer to speak to me privately, I am happy to do so.

Please ask me if you have any questions about this.

Conflict of Interest Policy

If you (or your child) is open, or likely to be open, to a health team I work with elsewhere, it may be that I am currently unable to work with you, due to professional ethics and conflicts of interest. Please ask me if you have any questions about this.

Cancellation Policy

Please give me 48 hours notice of any cancellation, by telephone, otherwise I reserve the right to make a charge up to the full amount payable for the missed session, or if it was a free consultation, to not offer a further consultation without making a charge of my usual session rate.

Please let me know if you have any further questions – I’m happy to help and advise.

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